Discover a healthier way of working —
Our 12 month Online Workforce Stress Management programme is designed to equip employees at every level with the tools and understanding to manage stress, improve well-being and create a healthier work environment, optimising productivity and fostering team building.
Essentially we are improving the way your workforce thinks, feels and performs… the best way!
I will equip you with your own Stress Management toolbox, so that when you know how to use it, you can use it anywhere, enabling you to de-stress, upgrade your health and wellbeing, and to simply feel and work better.
Learn what stress is and what stress isn’t.
Learn practical techiniques and strategies to reduce and handle stress more effectively.
Improve overall health and well-being.
Increase productivity.
Improve time and energy efficiency.
Improve your relationships with yourself and others.
Improve decision-making
Feel more fulfilled and balanced in life.
Develop more resilience.
Lower the risk of stress-related health issues.
Learn effective relaxation techniques
‘ The WHO recognizes workplace stress as a global health issue ’
The importance of managing workplace stress makes this workforce stress management course an essential part of workforce culture and employer responsibility
Globally, 82% say employee wellbeing is important at their company, whilst an extensive study has found that workers are 13% more productive when happy
Many organizations are recognizing the importance of addressing workforce stress and promoting employee well-being.
A Partnership designed to suit the demands of your business
We understand that no two workplaces are the same, therefore we can tailor the course to the demands and schedules of your business and departments within.
To get the most out of our courses, we do encourage participants to commit to the entire course, however we understand workloads change and our courses are designed accordingly so that each individual sessions is independent in its learning and structure.
The programme information below is a guide to what is included in the programme, but is not bound by or limited to.
Programmes are designed for people who want to learn the tools to be able to de-stress their own lives, upgrade their health and wellbeing, and to simply feel better. Often asking the question “I know what to do, so why aren’t I doing it?”
12 months